Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Class Evaluation

1.I liked that it's teaching us how top become better typist in
 general and it is encouraging us to become CTR people and always tell the truth 
because that is the right thing to do!(:
2. I don't like that we don't get as much time as we should to
practice typing because that is what we need, we need
to develop this skill and the only was to do that is to practice
everyday for a certain amount of time.(:
3. Give us more time to practice and  give us more topics to research about, 
Some other topics that don't have to do with medical career pathways.
4. The highlight of this class for me was being able to practice my 
typing and develop this skill over the time I have 
been in this class.
5. Yes, I completed all the assignments given to me and I tried my
best when given topics to research about. I also think i'm starting develop
better typing habits. 
5. I do read my life planning journal but most of the time
I forget to report the days that I do read it.
6. I try to be  a CTR person whenever possible and I think
I am almost a CTR person.
Image result for choose the right

Monday, December 12, 2016

“When you tell one lie, it
Leads to another.”
Every time you tell one lie it leads to another lie. These lies keep ‘Multiplying” you tell the truth because every time you lie you create a new one. This is why it is important to tell the truth and
NEVER tell a lie. When you tell a lie it just gets you into more trouble. So why get yourself into more trouble over something like a lie. Tell the truth because “honesty is the best policy. Lying is like a sink hole and you just keeping falling in deeper with every lie you say. When you tell the truth you are safe from this sinkhole of lies. If any lesson is learned from lying it is to not lie ever.  WHen you choose the right you don’t lie because that is not right and it is the wrong thing to do.

K Bye.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Always Do Right."
Mark Twain
This quote tells you to always do what is right. The quote say"Always" because 
you are ALWAYS suppose to do the right thing and NEVER
 do what you know is wrong. When you do right you feel good 
about yourself. When you do right others will respect you. Always do whats right because its 
the right thing to do. Be a CTR person 24/7 choose the right and be a role
model to others. 
Image result for "Always Do Right."

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World war II
September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945
  1. Germany, Italy, and Japan fought against Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, The Soviet Union, China, and the USA.
  2. It mainly took place in Europe, east Asia, and islands in the pacific ocean.
  3. Hitler invades Poland September 1st, 1939. The bombing of pearl harbor December 7th, 1941 which killed more than 2,300 Americans that day.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Challenges teens face today
Major Challenges teens face today    
1.Self-Esteem and Body Image
5.Cyber Addiction
6.Drinking and Smoking
7.Teen Pregnancy
8.Underage Sex
9.Child Abuse
10.Peer-Pressure and Competition
11.Eating Disorders                         
What I can do to help others overcome
these situation
Don’t put anybody down because that is
the cause of a lot these problems teens have today.
Being a CTR person
As long as you are choosing the right you can
avoid most of these situations not all
of them but some of them. Sometimes not even
Being a CTR person will help you avoid these