Monday, February 27, 2017

"Right is right only when entire."
-Victor Hugo

Telling a partial truth is telling a whole lie. When you lie its because you are ashammed of the
 truth or ashmmed of what you did. The best thing you can do is tell the truth. You should 
never lie not even tell a partial truthe because that is wrong.  Part of choosing the right is 
telling the truth.  Right is only right when it is entire just like Victor Hugo said. telling
 half of the truth is just as bad as telling a lie.  If you can't tell the whole truth then its just
 all a big lie. Do whats right and don't do wha's wrong and you won't have to lie. Just 
choose the right.
Image result for victor hugo
The Naturopathic Doctor
Duties and responsibilities: A health care provider who uses a system of medicine that is based
on the healing powers of nature.
Salary: $74,710
Education: You need a 4-year, graduate-level program accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education.
Demand: The demand is high for this job right now.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

MRI Technologist
Duties and responsibilities: Medical imaging by taking images inside the human body without an invasive procedures.
Salary: $67,720 in mid 2015
Education: an associate’s degree is the most common type of education required to become a MRI tech.
Demand: Opportunities are declining in this area.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your
own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
-George Washington.
Associate yourself with good people good qualities rather than with bad people. If you're in bad company then why be with those people at all. It’s better to be on your own then with bad people in bad company.  When you're with people of bad you're more likely to do the things they do too. If you associate yourself with good people then you will do good things. You will be a CTR person of life. All you have to do is associate yourself with the right people, the people of good qualities.  It’s not worth associating with people of bad qualities . You might as well be better of alone without that company. CTr and associate yourself with the right people is what this quote is saying.

Mental Health Counselor
Duties and Responsibilities: Professionals in this field offer counseling, support and guidance, to those who are having trouble emotionally and mentally.
Salary: $43,1900
Education: A master's degree in counseling, psychology, or other mental health related
Demand: Job, outlook 2014-2024 : 195 Faster than others jobs growth

Reflection: No , because I don’t wanna deal with someone else's problems .

Thursday, February 16, 2017

“President’s Day”

  1. President’s Day is a national holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February.
  2. This is a National Holiday in America.
  3. You can show patriotism and show your love for the country .
  4. I can show patriotism throughout the day.
President’s Day falls on George Washington's birthday (The first president of the United States.)

It become a National Holiday in the late 1970’s.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day.

Valentine’s Day became an official holiday in the united states in 1850’s. One legend says the valentine was a priest who served in third century of Rome.  Emperor Claudius II thought that a man without a wife or family made a better soldier so he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine did not agree with this decision and he continued to perform marriage for young couples in secret. When they found out what he was doing Claudius ordered him to death. During the middle ages in France and England it was commonly believe that February 14th was the start of birds mating season. The oldest known valentine still in existence was a poem from 1415 written by Charles, duke of new Orleans. This poem had been written to his wife when he was imprisoned in the tower of London. Valentine's day is also celebrated in  Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France and Australia along with the united states.  Americans started exchanging valentines day in about the early 1700’s.Approximately 150 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas. Another story about valentine's day  is that saint valentine was killed for helping Christians escape harsh roman prisoners. It’s said that while he was in jail he fell in love with a young girl who visited him during his confinement. Before he was killed it is said he wrote a letter to his lover signed “From your valentine” and that phrase is stilled used today. Fun fact : there are approximately 50 million roses given on valentine's day. Now valentine's day is known as a day of love. February is also known as the month of love. There are also many festivals on Valentines to spread love and show Valentine's day spirit . Have a happy Valentine's day.
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Friday, February 10, 2017

"In life as in football, you won't go
far, unless you know where the goalposts are."
-Arnold H. Glasgow

You won't go far in life unless you know what your aiming for. You need goals in life so you know what your working towards. If you play footballs without an end zone or goalpost your just gonna end up running around playing catch. You have to know your goals to succeed and work towards them in life. As long as you know what your aiming for you and know your goals then you'll know what your trying to achieve. When you have a goal your not running around looking for something. You'll be running towards your goals in life. this is why it's so important to make goals in your life. Goals are meant to help you stay on track and know what your working for. Choose the right and make goals and you will succeed.

Image result for arnold h glasow
Duties and responsibilities: Monitoring wildlife and creating recovery plans.

Salary: $59,000 a year

Education: Bachelor's Degree in zoology, biology, wildlife biology.

Demand: 2014 to 2024 it is projected to grow 4%

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Chris Paul
 Chris Paul was a basketball player who's grandfather passed away after signing the scholarship for the college his grandfather wanted him to go to. Chris Paul had heard the news the day after that he grandfather had been murdered. The game after his death Chris Paul put up 61 points on his own to represent his grandfathers age. He could've beat the record but he did it for his grandfather and not himself .
Image result for Chris Paul
"Only those live who
do good."
-Count Leo Tolstoy

The people who really live are the people who are doing the right thing all the time. In order to truly live you must do the right because it is the right thing.  If your doing the wrong thing and something you don't even want to do you aren't truly living. In order to truly live you must do what is right.
Image result for aaron rodgersThose who are doing right are probably having a great time living. Those who aren't most likely aren't satisfied with their choices and life. The key to truly living is very simple just do the right  thing all the time. Those who do good will live good because they have no regrets.  People who do the right thing stay out of trouble allowing them more freedom to life.
All you have to do is good.
Medical scientist
Duties and responsibilities : The job of a medical scientist is to try and enhance human health they do research on bacteria and viruses.

Salary: $ 82,240

Education : Doctoral or Professional Degree

Demand: Job outlook 2014-24 a projected growth of 8%

Reflection:  Maybe, because they make good money and it seems like an interesting job.

Monday, February 6, 2017

" I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else,
and I can change that. It depends upon how hard I want to work, and i decided that 
I would change."

Everything depends on how hard you work and how much you want it. You have goal you go and you achieve that goal. Poverty i more of a choice than anything you decide that. 
You work hard for what you want and you can change that because it's your decision. Just like he had done you can do the same if you work for it. It's a choice not something your stuck with forever. 
If you work to achieve your goals then you will eventually achieve it . Your hard work
will pay off because its your choice. If you want to do something its about you 
because you are the one who makes your own decisions. Do things for yourself because its  
a choice you can make.
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Thursday, February 2, 2017

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"Even if everyone is doing it,
             wrong is never right."      
  Even if everyone is cheating on a test it doesn't make it an okay thing to do. No matter what you do if its wrong its wrong and it cant ever be right. There's a reason they call wrong "wrong" and that is because it's not what your suppose to do. Your suppose to always choose the right always do whats right and never wrong. You can't do wrong and it be right. If everyone else is doing something it doesn't make what they are doing the right thing to do. If they're doing wrong and you know it then you shouldn't do it. Do what is right.

Australia is the sixth largest country by total area. Australia is mainly know for the deadly animals that live there along with the beaches. It has over 10,000 beaches meaning you can visit a new beach there every day for at least 27 years. 75% of Australia's species are unknown to man. Australia’s highway 1 is the largest national highway at 14,500 km long.There's many things to do when you're in Australia it’s so big and has lots of places to visit. I chose this place because I've always wanted to come to Australia and visit whitehaven beach.